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Cross Stitch Collection

Cross Stitch Basic Collection

Viewers, i guess winter collection has abundant in my blog. So there must be a change, that is why, i selected some new variety of Cross Stitch . In my earlier post i i display some of the dresses of Cross Stitch but they are embroidered. now today collection is not of embroidery, they are basic dresses, mean simple but the style is somewhat different, the design of their dresses is different that is why i decided to publish their dresses.
The link of the first dress is displayed. Cross stitch

Cross Stitch
This is the first display of their display, It has multi colors in the shirt and the end of trouser is beautifully made. You can visit the following link for more information and the outlook of the dress. They give all the necessary information about the dress in their site, so You can click the link above to get information about the dress. I will show another dress of their collection below. First of all i will give the link then the display. 
I again moved to casual dresses because sweaters and jackets are too much here that is why i post these dresses because i have no mood to give the description about winter collection. And as i did not post so much so i want change, So the change is displayed in front of you.
Well leave it now its time to display another dress.

So friends this is the second dress of Cross Stitch its name is basically black sand because of its black color. And don't forget that it is there basic collection, the category name. Its uniqueness is that there are buttons around the neckline and it gives a beautiful effect in the whole shirt and the black trouser adds more beauty in contrast. Well the design is also beautiful , visit the link above for more information about that black sand.
I selected one more dress from their website for you. I will show it so you have the idea about their collection and about their designs and arrival. Many of the dresses from basic are sold out so don't ruin the opportunity and get the dress of your choice.
The next link is ready to display.

Here is the third dress for you, It is simple beautiful and different, see the placement of buttons, overall it is a good dress, The sleeves also have a cut that makes it more beautiful.  The small ban is also looking nice in the whole shirt.
Overall it is a good collection and a good style. The link is displayed above you can check it as well for more information. Three sides of the dress is shown in the link so you have to visit the link for more zoom and for more instructions and information.
Now i have done my work, the other is your task to check their variety and visit their store or outlet for the dress of your choice.
We will meet in the next post with some other stuff and some other collection, stay tuned with my blog for getting more information about new arrivals and for getting more ideas about your wearing.

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