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Bonanza Satrangi

Satrangi collection

Today this is my first post of the day, like ago, i can not post two of the post in a day, but one post is good enough rather than no post in a day. I will try to publish 2 to 3 dresses of Brands in my daily posts but as i am also a person so sometimes i do not find time and some times i have no mood, well make sure that i will post some stuff on daily basis so you people will not go vacant, when you visit my blog, if some of you will visit my blog on daily basis so be sure that i will post some other day if i will not post in a sequence or in a continuous way.
Well all this introduction is related to the post now i think we should have come to our point and now this is the time to show you people the dresses of Satrangi as a sample of their collection. one thing i want to tell you is they are from their new arrival category, they have also many categories you can sign up with your account and add the dress of your choice and your taste in your basket or cart.

The link of the dress is Satrangi

The main specification about the dress is it has the dupatta with it, basically the shirt and dupatta and with reference to the dress, the color and the color combination of the dress is beautiful and nice. The dress is simple but  pretty as i said before that simplicity has its own beauty so this sentence fits on that situation. the dress is not showy and decorative but it looks beautiful with its color combination, The neckline is simple, the dress is simple along with its sleeves but overall these simple things create a beautiful impact on the dress and the point of emphasis is the shirt as a whole and the dupatta is also beautiful in its unique way. Therefore, with all these qualities i like the dress personally and i hope that you people will also like it, for more view of different dimensions of the dress open the link by just one click and check the full detail about the dress that is provided on their website along with the display of the shirt.

The next link is Satrangi

This is another dress , beautiful dress by Satrangi the color combination is also beautiful and the dress is simple as above. The neckline is also beautiful and the print is simple and elegant, This is also with shirt and dupatta. The whole dress gives a good impact and catches the sight at once. It is easy to carry and beautiful.  The first one is beautiful in its own way ans the second is beautiful in its own means. If you like any one of them so don't waste the time and opportunity of picking the dress, hurry up and pick the dress and if you like any other by checking their site so that is also your choice, that is why i provided the link before the display so you can click and check the other dresses as well. Basically, the purpose of link is to get you in their site.

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