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Dress design by ALkaram studio

Formal dress by designer

New and unique dress for my viewers. I have found one more simple and formal dress for you. Hope you people will appreciate it because it is a collection of ALkaram studio. I think that rather than posting simple dresses of my choice i choose to post some dresses of designer's as well so you people also have an idea about their new arrival. I selected spring collection for you, the color is also like spring and it is not black so take it easy. I displayed the dress for you and give the link for more information as usual. So that you take an idea and full information about the dress and more dresses of their product as well.
Anyways the description will be given to you after the display of dress.

Alkaram studio dress
The whole information about the dress is in the following link so you can click it and get the entire information about it. The link is here alkaram formal dress

It's combination is beautiful like Orange and Tea pink. The selection of colors is nice so i picked it for you. There are light colors as well but according to spring color it is good. And for winter it also looks nice with sweater as well.
I suggest you people to try it , you can also visit their outlet for new and different variety. My sister and my friend also bought their dress and that are amazing.
This is basically a simple formal dress for everyday use. Next time i will pick something new and stylish for you people because three branded dresses are enough. Now it's time for change and after those dresses again the time will come for branded suits.
So there is an amalgam in the variety of dresses sometime it is from designer's other time some other design so that it creates a rhythm in our blogger.
I will also show you a variety of winter collection within some days , so they are also a part of our blogger. Don't worry every season collection will be displayed here, all need is your support and your compliments so that we can move on according to your views and suggestions.
You can tell me whether you will like this dress or not or you can tell about any dress that whether it clicks you or not. Your comments will give me some idea about your choice and your desire that which kind of dresses you want to see and you like. So necessarily aware me of your choice .
And at the end, next time again there is a new combination and new dress may be formal or casual. All depends on the next post and my choice that which dress picks me or i will pick it.
Well do a hope it will also nice and beautiful as the previous dresses are  so stay in touch with it so you can inform with the latest updates of dresses and some different designs of my choice. Have a good night and have a good life.
We will meet in the next post with next design of dress so stay in touch.

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